Guilford Young College caters for varied student ability and interest by offering a wide range of Mathematics courses.
If you are coming from Year 10 and have completed Year 10 Mathematics, you do not intend to study at university after Year 12 or you know you do not need a Level 3 Mathematics course for your intended career path, you should select Essential Mathematics Workplace 2 or General Mathematics Foundation 2.
If you are coming from Year 10 with a satisfactory level of achievement at Year 10 Mathematics and you need a Level 3 Mathematics course for university, you should select General Mathematics Foundation 2 in Year 11 and General Mathematics 3 in Year 12.
If you are coming from Year 10 and achieved an above satisfactory result in Year 10 Mathematics, but did not successfully complete Year 10A Mathematics, you could select General Mathematics 3 or Mathematics Methods Foundation 3.
If you need Mathematics Methods 4 for university, you should select either Mathematics Methods 3 (to prepare you for Mathematics Methods 4 in Year 12) or select Mathematics Methods 4.
If you have successfully completed Year 10A Mathematics, you should consider choosing Mathematics Methods 4. This allows you to select Mathematics Specialised 4 in Year 12, if this is a recommended subject for your university pathway.

Course Options Offered
Numeracy 1
Mathematics 1
Essential Mathematics Workplace 2
General Mathematics 2
General Mathematics 3
Mathematics Methods Foundation 3
Mathematics Methods 4
Mathematics Specialised 4
Frequently ASked Questions
The General Maths 3 course is a good general preparation for tertiary students in diverse areas such as economics, nursing and arts degrees. The Mathematics Methods courses are ideal preparation for a student wanting to complete a degree such as Science or Engineering where knowledge of calculus would be expected (ideally Methods 4 would be studied in Year 11 or 12).
The rigour and problem solving required for the Mathematics Methods 4 course makes it suitable for any tertiary degree provided that students are aware that there is a high level of algebraic skill needed.
Mathematics Specialised is highly recommended for any student wanting to study mathematics, physics or engineering at tertiary level and can be completed after Mathematics Methods 4 (or in some cases as well as Mathematics Specialised 4 in Year 12)
These are two very different courses. The Workplace Maths course is embedded with practical mathematics such as measurement, decimals, money and percentage and has a large assignment component.
The General Maths 2 course has an algebraic component that provides a pathway to General Maths 3 and has both test and assignment assessments. Any student considering a university pathway would be advised to complete General Maths 2 instead of Workplace Maths 2.
You can complete (and count for TCE/ATAR points) all four of the TQA3/4 courses. It is possible to complete Methods 3 & General 3 in Year 11 and Methods 4 and Specialised 4 in Year 12.
You need to complete at least one course in Mathematics (or similar) – without completion of a course that satisfies the Numeracy component of the TCE you will not receive your TCE or an ATAR and will not gain University entrance.
Still Got Questions?
Brett Stephenson - Head of Mathematics