Join An Adult Learning Environment
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A College education that’s affordable
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A wide range of courses to suit you
Campus Allocation
Students are allocated the campus in closest proximity to their primary residential address.
This is done to allow for the provision of College courses and to ensure the very highest levels of care and support for, staff, students and carers.
Requests for campus transfers are generally not permitted. Under exceptional circumstances permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the College Principal. Requests must be via email and addressed to the College Principal.
On occasion students may need to travel to a different campus on the free College bus in order attend the subject of their preference. Students are also encouraged make use of this service should they need to travel to a more convenient location for outside of school activities.
Please refer to our Campus boundary illustration to learn more or search for your address.
Steps to Enrolment
Submit an Enrolment enquiry form so we can best help you or answer any questions you may have.
Take the opportunity to join us for an Open Day, Tour Day or Information Evening at either campus.
This online form takes around 20 minutes to complete. You will need to have personal details on hand to upload. If there is something you don’t have to hand, don't worry you can come back to it at anytime.
Following the successful processing of your enrolment application, the College will issue a Letter of Acceptance.
Students choose their own courses. This is done at Course Advice Sessions held throughout the year. Students and their Parents and Carers have the opportunity to sit down with staff for a conversation about which courses complement student's own interests, strengths, and desired career pathways.
The Principal will deliver Confirmation of Enrolment emails to all incoming student families. This is the official acknowledgement that the student ready to begin at Guilford Young College on their first day.
Head Start is an orientation program held in December for students who are new to the GYC community. The aim is to orientate them to our campuses before formal classes return the following year. This turbocharges their transition to senior secondary education.