Guilford Young College

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Recreational Reading Scheme

The Davis Centre's “Recreational Reading” scheme has been developed in conjunction with GYC’s Literacy Leaders and is part of a general push to embed reading for pleasure more firmly within the college.​​​​​  

Underpinned by the principles of "Reader Advisory Training," the Recreational Reading scheme assists students and staff in choosing texts to read for pleasure, offering ongoing support and individualised recommendations, as well as tracking engagement. As the program emphasises reading for enjoyment, there are no limits placed on what the students engage with and we offer an array of textual choices, including books (fiction or non-fiction), comics and graphic novels, short stories, magazines, E-books, audio books, as well as podcasts.

Furthermore, to ensure that those who are very reluctant to read are catered for, we also offer students the opportunity to nominate an album or piece of music to “read” and encourage them to listen to their chosen piece in the sequence the composer has intended, with each track being treated like a chapter. In these instances, we undertake some research about their chosen album with them and provide you with context to assist in any discussions. You can learn more about the benefits of recreational reading in Teacher Magazine.​​​​​​​

If you would like to know more about the benefits of recreational reading - or for us to tailor something specific for your class (for instance, some teachers have requested we offer novels only, or place an emphasis on creative non-fiction) - please do not hesitate to reach out or book a class session with us.

You can search our database for books via Genre (login required) or send us an email.